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Application Performance Monitoring - Best Cloud Services providers

CrimsonWatch Application Performance Monitoring stays on top of application performance along with the critical parts of application delivery, including servers, services, and the network.


IT organizations require full visibility into business-critical applications regardless of where they are hosted in order to maintain service levels and proactively deal with issues before the end-user is impacted

Today, virtually every company experiences a wide variety of application management challenges. In terms of architectures, traditional monolithic applications have been re-deployed as reusable components and, more recently, as microservices executing in container technologies such as Docker.

Service orchestration, versus monolithic deployment, creates the preferred execution stream for these smaller execution components. This means that IT organizations are now managing “application ecosystems” composed of hundreds or thousands of foundational technical elements, versus simple, stand-alone “applications.” “Application sprawl” has become the norm, with transactions executing across heterogeneous software platforms, networks, databases, and legacy technologies.

To complicate matters even further, endpoint devices such as phones, tablets, store kiosks, and “smart” watches have been added to the mix of devices interacting with execution ecosystems. So while the quality of the end user experience has become increasingly important to LOB stakeholders, application architects and support teams can no longer rely on constant, “always on” connections supporting software execution. The scope of these support challenges can be loosely grouped as generally relating to heterogeneity, complexity, scale, or to the massively integrated nature of complex modern applications.

Crimson Watch uses synthetic transaction monitoring (also referred to as “scripting,” “functional testing” or “Web application testing”) to check the behavior of your site and identify exactly where bottle necks or problems occur.

Transaction monitoring ensures you know how your customers experience your site when they interact with it from different locations. Transaction monitoring scripts can be used to identify a wide variety of possible issues, from slow page response times to monitoring the behavior of forms such as login pages and shopping carts. Transaction monitoring scripts can also be used to monitor a full range of APIs.

Get in front of

Easily identify problematic applications over time with Crimson’s “trouble-maker” and “top ten” reports. Proactively head off application issues with deep capacity planning

Deep, proactive application monitoring, reporting, and alerting keep you in control of your service delivery. Crimson Application Performance Monitoring stays on top of application performance along with the critical parts of application delivery, including servers, services, and the network.

Easily identify problematic applications over time with Crimson’s “trouble-maker” and “top ten” reports. Proactively head off application issues with deep capacity planning.

Proactive Application Alerts and Root Cause Analysis
Always get the right alert at the right time, avoiding alert storms that leave you guessing. Dive into Crimson’s customizable and interactive application monitoring dashboards and go from high-level views (like world maps, topology and dependency maps, and more) to root cause in minutes. Crimson’s deep metrics show you exactly where the problem is, regardless if it’s at the application, server, or network layer.

Customizable Application Dashboards
Whether it’s physical, virtual, or even cloud environments, IT is on the hook to monitor and report application performance. Crimson Cloud provides highly-customizable and interactive application dashboards that can be created in minutes with a drag and drop design and templates. Set up a NOC for the entire datacenter, and then share team dashboards for individual or groups of applications (email, CRM, ERP, Web, BI, WebSphere, WebLogic, and more).

Application Uptime and Service Level Agreements
Crimson Watch includes a powerful but easy-to-use SLA monitoring and reporting engine that monitors IT service levels in real time. Track and meet SLAs and provide management with clear SLA reports. Proactive SLA alerts notify your team when SLAs are trending to miss and tell you exactly what part of the delivery is failing.

Easily report on application (and server) uptime while monitoring trends in availability on specific devices, applications, services, and groups across the entire IT infrastructure.

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