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Storage Practice - Best Cloud Services providers

Cloud Storage Practice

AWS Elastic Block store (EBS)

As a Practice, Crimson leverages the Storage solutions available on AWS and other cloud service providers. Persistent block storage -Amazon Elastic Block Store is used for a generic root & data volume, application and not so performance intensive Database services.

If the Apps / DB requires a specific Performance and throughputs, we design & deploy the solutions around EBS Optimized with dedicated IOPS

As part of the managed services, Crimson can help customers to optimize and secure EBS volumes, create Backup and Disaster Recovery options for their production evnironment. 

Low cost, highly durable Backup storage

Object storage from Cloud services providers such as AWS S3 storage is largely used for storing the Web Application content / Images / Videos, integrating the backup services or for uploading the customers data temporarily onto AWS before the actual migration scenarios

Further, AWS Glacier is used for archival purposes by enabling the Data life cycle policies to move the older data from S3 to Glacier.

Storage in Data migration services – Crimson uses the Storage Gateway and AWS Snow ball services to migrate the data from onprem storage to AWS Cloud storage. Crimson’s team works very closely with the AWS SA team to define the solutions and deployment.


Backup on AWS

Backup on AWS



DR on AWS Cloud


Backup as a service

DR as a service



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